SMART Recovery

When it comes to addiction, there is no cookie cutter approach that works for everyone and every affliction. That's why there are so many therapy options available. The sheer amount of options, from AA or NA to SMART Recovery, can overwhelm those who need help to the point where they give up on eventual correction. The trick to gaining success from any type of correctional therapy is recognizing upfront what you need from the program. That requires incredible internal focus and self acceptance. SMART Recovery understands, accepts, and focuses on the fact that addiction is a personal demon that must be attacked by the individual suffering from the affliction.

SMART Recovery is a long-standing therapeutic option for addiction. To learn more about this program, call Drug Treatment West Palm Beach at (877) 804-1531 today.

How Does SMART Differ from Other Programs?

SMART is the acronym for Self Management and Recovery Training. It differs from other programs that focus on ideologies or a fixed set of personal beliefs. AA or NA uses 12-step programs to make amends for past behavior and incorporate spirituality to alter addiction habits. That works for many people, but others require scientifically proven self-motivation tactics over secularism.

Scientific research proves addiction can be corrected with the right internal motivation and life changes. SMART focuses on the personal responsibility of those addictions. Proponents and sponsors of the program admit upfront that it may not work for everyone due to its complete self-empowering modification techniques. SMART does not focus on any spiritual element, nor does it label addiction as a disease. In fact, the center of the program is the personal connection to the substance. In other words, SMART recognizes and teaches that breaking the addiction requires the individual to break whatever habits - physical, or mental - that caused the patient to become the addict.

What Are the Components of SMART?

SMART Recovery treatment and therapy is based on the most current scientific research for addiction control, so the program changes based on individual need and new findings. However, 4 main power points are incorporated into the program regardless of research changes. Those points are: motivational building and maintenance; coping with individual urges; mental and physical management of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; and finally living a balanced life.

More Information

If you are interested in finding drug treatment centers in West Palm Beach that offer SMART Recovery, Dial (877) 804-1531 today.

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