Dual Diagnosis in West Palm Beach FL (877) 804-1531

Dual diagnosis is the condition of having mental illness and a co-existing substance abuse problem. Some rehabilitation centers offer specialized programs for dual diagnosis treatment. These programs have the benefit of addressing both mental and addiction disorders while keeping each condition in mind.

If you or a loved one need dual diagnosis treatment, we can help you find treatment options. Dial (877) 804-1531 to contact Drug Treatment West Palm Beach now.

Examples of Dual Diagnosis Conditions

A dual diagnosis of alcohol and depression together is common, as depressed people may use alcohol to alleviate depressive symptoms. On the other hand, a person who suffers from alcoholism may develop depression as alcohol is a depressive, creating chemical changes in the brain. It is difficult to determine the order in which the disorders were created.

Dual diagnosis has other typical manifestations. An example is eating disorders and addiction. Addiction is a habit of consuming substances leading to pleasure center stimulation of the brain. Food may be consumed purely for pleasure. As the body craves more pleasure center stimulation, an addiction to food and illicit substances develops.

Dual diagnosis of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and addiction to substances is another commonly seen pairing. OCD involves compulsive and obsessive behaviors. OCD sufferers could take substances to decrease the compulsions and obsessions, resulting in addiction.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is manifested with nightmares and flashbacks from trauma. Reliving these experiences causes anxiety and agitation. PTSD sufferers may seek relief in alcohol and drugs to stop reliving these experiences and block negative thoughts. As the pattern repeats an addiction is likely to form.

Anxiety sufferers may turn to alcohol to alleviate symptoms. As alcohol seems to be effective, the person may continue to drink on a regular basis and develop alcohol abuse disorder. This coping mechanism can develop an addiction.

According to Clinical Psychiatry News website, about 50% of all patients with schizophrenia have a co-existing substance abuse disorder. Substance abuse is the leading cause of those with schizophrenia not taking medication as prescribed. Substance abuse is also associated with intensifying schizophrenia symptoms, increasing risk of relapse, worsening aggression and more frequent and lengthy hospitalizations.

Dual Diagnosis Treatments

The treatments available for dual diagnosis are: psychopharmacology, psychotherapy and behavioral therapy.

  • Psychopharmacology discovers all the disorders and treats them individually with medications. Each disorder is treated with the appropriate prescription medications. Ongoing assessments are made regarding effectiveness of treatment and modifications are made to adapt.
  • Psychotherapy is a type of talk therapy where individuals discuss mental or emotional problems with counselors and therapists to resolve feelings. Root causes and trauma are uncovered, dissected and resolved.
  • Behavioral therapy focuses on the behaviors of the person that lead to negative consequences. Positive behaviors are developed to avoid these negative consequences using improved judgements, positive and negative reinforcements and moral reasoning therapies. The goal is to use these tools to make better judgements on what to do and not do in situations.

A comprehensive approach to dual diagnosis treatment to treat all existing issues is needed for a person to remain sober. If an alcohol abuser with bipolar disorder only has alcoholism treated, the untreated bipolar disorder is very likely to lead to relapse.

Aftercare services after rehab are needed to help a person stay sober by monitoring the progress of sobriety as well as the effectiveness of mental illness treatment. Constant assessments must be made on a regular basis to ensure the person is making positive progress.

Seeking Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Co-existing disorders need to be handled by experienced staff who understand that treating all presenting symptoms, constantly assessing the effectiveness of treatment and examining any remaining symptoms is the key to providing proper treatment for living a sober life.

If you are searching for qualified dual diagnosis treatment centers, contact Drug Treatment West Palm Beach at (877) 804-1531.

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